It’s one of the largest objections to the Christian faith: ‘How could a loving God send people to Hell?’ Is God loving and just if he send people to a place where they will be eternally separate from His presence? Join us as we bring together four different perspectives on the doctrine of Hell.

The BEST worldview conference in Chicagoland!
Hear from world-class speakers
Connect with people like you
Enjoy beautiful Lake Geneva and the nearby Chicago area
The BEST worldview conference in Chicagoland!
Hear from world-class speakers
Connect with people just like you
Enjoy beautiful Lake Geneva and the nearby Chicago area
Meet the 2023 Keynote Speakers

Chris Date
Chris Date is a well-known evangelical Christian author, editor, blogger, podcaster, debater, and speaker. Representing a global movement known as Rethinking Hell, he specializes in the area of Hell and Conditional Immortality. As an expert on these topics, Chris has been interviewed in such secular media outlets as the New York Times, National Geographic, and NPR.

Shawn Bawulski

James Beilby

Eric Reitan
Program Schedule
March 17-19, 2023
Conference Point Center
300 Conference Point Rd
Williams Bay, WI 53191
4:00 – 5:15pm Check-in
5:15pm Orientation – Soderquist Lodge
5:30pm Dinner
6:45 PM Welcome
7:00 PM Keynote 1
8:15 PM Breakout #1
8:30 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Keynote 2
11:15 AM Breakout #2
12:30 PM Lunch
1:45 PM Keynote 3
3:00pm Breakout #3
4:15 PM Keynote 4
5:30 PM Dinner
9 PM Ice Cream Social
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM Worship Service – Soderquist Lodge
10:00 AM Panel Discussion
11:00 AM Q&A with Panel*
12:00 PM Check-out
Open Breakout Track
“The Historical St. Patrick” – Breakout #1
Dr. Kurt Jaros, Theologian & Apologist – Veracity Hill
“Jesus as Master Thinker” – Breakout #2
Chad Gross, co-host of the Apologetics315 podcast
“The Afterlife in the Cults” – Breakout #3
David Montoya, ex-Mormon – Mormon Suicide
Ratio Christi Staff Breakout Track
“Discerning the Culture: Why Apologetics?”
Wes Farewell, Regional Ministry Director, Great Plains
“Discerning Your Calling: Ambassadors for Christ”
Larry Baxter, Chief Operating Officer
“Building your Leadership Team of Students and Staff”
R.C. staff panel
* During the “RESPONSES” and “Q&A with Panel” sessions, Ratio Christi staff will conduct staff sessions.
Program Schedule
March 17-19, 2023
Conference Point Center
300 Conference Point Rd
Williams Bay, WI 53191
4:00 – 5:15pm Check-in
5:15pm Orientation
5:30pm Dinner
6:45 PM Welcome
7:00 PM Keynote 1
8:15 PM Breakout #1
8:30 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Keynote 2
11:15 AM Breakout #2
12:30 PM Lunch
1:45 PM Keynote 3
3:00pm Breakout #3
4:15 PM Keynote 4
5:30 PM Dinner
9 PM Ice Cream Social
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:45 AM Panel Discussion
Open Breakout Track
“The Historical St. Patrick” – Breakout #1
Dr. Kurt Jaros, Theologian & Apologist – Veracity Hill
“Jesus as Master Thinker” – Breakout #2
Chad Gross, co-host of the Apologetics315 podcast
“The Afterlife in the Cults” – Breakout #3
David Montoya, ex-Mormon – Mormon Suicide
Ratio Christi Staff Breakout Track
“Discerning the Culture: Why Apologetics?”
Wes Farewell, Regional Ministry Director, Great Plains
“Discerning Your Calling: Ambassadors for Christ”
Larry Baxter, Chief Operating Officer
“Building your Leadership Team of Students and Staff”
R.C. staff panel
* During the RESPONSES session, Ratio Christi staff will conduct staff sessions.
Conference Sponsors

We can’t do what we do without our sponsors.
If you would like to sponsor or be a vendor at the Defenders Conference, please fill out this contact form, and we will followup with you!
Become a sponsor and you will receive: Logo on all promotional materials (posters, conference program), logo and description of your organization/business on the conference website, special social media posts thanking your organization for sponsorship, logo rotating on main screens in between sessions, and an optional two-minute pitch to the whole audience during on-site lunch session.
Cost: $300
Want to be a vendor at the Defenders Conference?
You’ll receive: one table in the exhibition area to showcase your organization and verbal recognition by the host at the event.
Cost: $200
Ice Cream Social Sponsor
Have your company, organization, or foundation receive special recognition and gratitude for helping to fund our ice cream social!
Payment for sponsorship must be received before benefits are given. Final deadline for sponsorship is March 1. Vendors will be considered until all available tables are claimed or March 1 (whichever comes first).